Attitude is best summed up by a review of what you have done so far, to reach a certain standard in your driving. Have you taken advice from friends, relatives or acquaintances or have you taken the whole thing much more seriously and picked up the phone and booked lessons with a Professional Driving School?
A Professional School will equip you with the skills needed to survive, stay safe and enjoy trouble-free Motoring. Passing the Driving Test will be achievable providing you learn to drive first. Preparing for a Driving Test should only commence when you have reached a certain level of Driving Skill and will be so much easier than doing it the other way round. A Driving Test Pass is only the beginning of your Driving career not the end!
Tip! For more information about driving tips, visit the Ultimate Auto Network www.ultimateautonetwork.
There are several every day driving skills that are essential for safe motoring but which are not tested on a Driving Test. Would you ignore these because they will not be encountered on your Test? I hope not.
What are they?
(1) Driving on Country Roads.
(2) Driving on the Carriageway at full speed.
(3) Driving at Night.
(4) Driving in adverse Weather conditions.
(5) Emergency Stop.
(6) Reverse around a right hand corner.
(7) Reverse Parking into a tight space.
(8) Driving in log-jammed Rush hour Traffic.
A number of these manoeuvres are currently included on the U.K. Driving Test and will one day form part of the Irish Driving Test when we finally come up to European Standards.
Attitude to the Driving Test.
There are many myths and legends surrounding the Driving Test; lets examine some of them The right attitude for a new beginner Driver should be a non confrontational one and a realisation that you the Driver are responsible for the result, be it positive or negative.
Examiners do not have a quota of passes or fails to be achieved. Yes they are human and subject to outside influences such as first impressions, as we all are. It is just as easy for a candidate to create a poor first impression as it is to achieve a good one so why not do your homework and give yourself a head start over those candidates who don't take the Test seriously enough.
Tip! When the winters are back, there are certain pre-requisites to be kept in mind to set out the new term “Winter Road Safety”. Similar to the driving tips, laws; this constitutes the safety measures adopted to cope with snow or icy driving conditions.
An Examiner is not looking for perfection but a reasonably high degree of competence allied to good action and reaction times in all situations. If you have not taken the trouble to familiarise yourself with all the various hotspots which may be temporary or permanent, scattered throughout the general Test Route area then it is very likely that here is where you will come a cropper. "Oh but I only made that one error because I didn't know the new road layout was about to be implemented, and it wasn't there yesterday ".This type of mistake in an unusual situation leads to numerous grade three faults on Driving Tests and as we know one grade three is a disqualification. Grade three type difficult situations are commonplace in every day driving and if strict marking was not in force then there would be many more first time Test Passes but many more Write-Offs with the attendant misery.
Obviously nerves can play a big part on the day and some candidates are better at controlling these emotions than others. If you can reduce this stress by telling yourself that it will not be the end of the World if you don't pass this time then you will probably be more relaxed and will drive much better. Remember it is you who has to do your homework and be confident that you can do all manoeuvres, not the Examiner. With this confidence will come competence and you will do a much better job on the day.
Tip! Apart from these generic “drive safely” rules, there are some specific safe driving tips, which you need to adhere to in order to steer your vehicle in the right course. Accordingly, a safety tip for bad weather conditions will be to slow down.
Not enough homework, not enough practise and not enough lessons all conspire to produce an unsatisfactory result. Taking lessons two weeks before your Test just won't prepare you sufficiently to be successful and to build up that level of confidence that is needed.
Take care and Take lessons. Driving Schools are not there to fleece; you they are there to help you achieve a satisfactory level of Driving Skill and to enable you to arrive alive!
Robin Piggott is a Driving Instructor in Ireland who brings four decades of experience to his Astral Driving School based in Limerick. His newly refurbed web site due to launch in a day or two can be found at Here you can find a treasure trove of everything for the Learner Driver and also pages for the visitor who is contemplating Touring Ireland by Car.
In the meantime why not visit the exsiting site at and pick up your free seven part mini-course on "Passing ther Driving Test First Time".

Friday, December 28, 2007
Your Attitude to Driving and the Driving Test: Irish Test Tips
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11:44 AM
Braking Moments - Maintenance and some Driving Tips
The brakes are used to slow down or stop the car. This is one of the most important parts of the car. Any brake failures can cause accident which may lead to serious property damage. A proper maintenance of the brakes is a must to avoid any accidents.
Everyday before using your car it is important to check your brakes especially the level of the fluid. It is necessary to clean your brakes weekly and check also the brake pads if they are still in good condition. Try also checking those hoses and other linings of your brakes for leaks. When driving always bring a bottle of brake fluid just in case of emergency and try to check your gauge panel to see if the brake warning light is lit. Always test your brakes when driving once in a while.
The first thing to consider while driving especially at high speed is your brakes; since brakes are mechanical it is prone to any failures especially when it is not maintained. If everything is too complicated especially brake repairs or adjustments try consulting your trusted mechanic to fix those problems, these may prevent you from spending too much for repairs.
If your brakes are malfunctioning like sudden loss of pressure on the pedal while driving, try to pull over and don't hesitate to continue driving, try to pull your parking brake slowly; this may help reduce the speed of the vehicle. Use engine brake to slow you down. It may damage the gears in the transmission but you're safe. Never turn off your engine instead try to pump the pedal because it might build some pressure. If you don't have any choice try to hit the bushes or sacrifice your vehicle by letting the side of the vehicle hit the wall to stop.
Tip! This article will deal with golf driving tips to help you correct this problem that is hampering many golfers and greatly hindering them from making any progress.
Alvin D. Agomaa For Free Classifieds online visitOz Free Cars July 14, 2006
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11:44 AM
Easy Tips Guaranteed To Keep You Safer While Driving
Nationwide the results are showing an increase in accidents across the board. There is a marked increase in DUI's and numerous other night time accidents. According to the Institute for Highway and Traffic Safety, many of these accidents are avoidable or at least their severity greatly reduced. For the purpose of this article we consulted the safety experts of the state police and firefighters of several states and specifically asked them what worked best. Below are their recommendations and tips for improving driver safety and reducing the incidence or probability of an accident.
Their first tip was to increase the following distance. Aggressive driving and following too close can easily result in a rear end collision, especially at night when vision is reduced and reaction time is slowed. A good rule of thumb is to allow at least one car length of distance between cars for each 10 mph increment. So, for 10 mph 1 car length will suffice and for 60 mph at least 6 car lengths or more. This will allow for proper reaction time and braking in an emergency. Also watch out for cars switching lanes without using turn signals. If you follow too closely there may be another car stopped in you lane that you will not have time to stop for.
Another great tip for avoiding unnecessary night time accidents was to make sure your cars lighting works properly. This is especially important at night when visibility is already low and a dimly or unlit vehicle poses a great risk and threat to other cars. According to New York State Troopers the biggest problem with headlights wasn't actually the bulb, it was the plastic cover of the headlight lens. Since 1992 clear plastic headlights have been made standard on almost every car made and the problem is that these plastic lenses are very susceptible to damage from the environment. Just like car paint, plastic lenses become damaged and cloudy from exposure to UV rays, harsh weathering and acid rain. The lenses start to cloud and before long light output and safety can become greatly reduced.
Tip! This article will deal with golf driving tips to help you correct this problem that is hampering many golfers and greatly hindering them from making any progress.
According to the AAA Foundation for traffic safety, An average of 9 out of every 10 cars on the road today has dirty or yellowed headlights that greatly reduce vision and need to be replaced or restored. That means almost every car out there is in need of some degree of headlight repair or restoration. It used to be that the only option was replacement of the cloudy headlight lens at an average of $250 per lens. Now there is a headlight restoration kit available that is currently used and backed by numerous police and state agencies that will restore the headlight lens to new again and restore night time driving safety. According to the National Institute for Highway Traffic and Safety dim headlights are the number one most easily avoidable factor in serious night time accidents.
Another tip was dirty or improperly cleaned windshields. According to several state troopers, most people don't realize the effect of glare on night time or daytime driving. Glare can literally blind you. If your windshield or other windows are dirty or even fogged, your vision can quickly be impaired. All it takes at night is for someone to be driving with a dirty windshield and an oncoming car with their bright lights or even regular lights on. You will be temporarily blinded and long enough to easily cause a serious accident. Clean your windows at every fill up. Many gas stations have windshield wash stations available so take advantage of them. If your windshield has scratches or cracks get it replaced. It is also a good time to check your headlights and tires to make sure they are properly inflated as improperly inflated tires can cause you to lose traction when you need it most.
Tip! When the winters are back, there are certain pre-requisites to be kept in mind to set out the new term “Winter Road Safety”. Similar to the driving tips, laws; this constitutes the safety measures adopted to cope with snow or icy driving conditions.
For more great information, tips, safety and money saving products please visit: Automotive Safety Tips and Headlight Restoration
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11:43 AM
Golf Driving Tips To Correct A Common Mistake
One of the most common mental errors golfers make when driving the ball is to try and hit it as hard as possible.
This article will deal with golf driving tips to help you correct this problem that is hampering many golfers and greatly hindering them from making any progress.
Our minds already have certain set beliefs. One of them is that the more force we use on an object the further it will travel. What makes this particular even more difficult to get rid of in our golf is that it is also true from a scientific point of view. Only that there are a number of special variables that make it untrue in golf.
The first of this golf driving tips variables is the design of the golf club. Each club is cleverly designed to send the golf ball over a certain distance. A valuable golf driving tip here is to trust the club to do the job it was designed to do.
Secondly and even more important there is the variable of your body. Trying to hit the ball as hard as possible will usually result in a tense and inefficient physical swing. And in most cases the results are the direct opposite of what you desire.
One of the chief reasons for this is that many golfers are not physically prepared and their muscles are flabby, tense and weak. The poor results are therefore inevitable.
Tip! Speed, in all probability, is the most vital of all the safe driving tips. Reckless driving and exceeding speed limit will amount to committing suicide.
A really valuable golf driving tip is to condition your muscles by getting involved in a golf conditioning program.
Fitter and stronger muscles will prepare you better for your golf drive and will enable you to be more relaxed as you hit the ball and you will therefore gain much more distance as a result.
These are the golf driving tips that have proved so effective in correcting this common mistake in golfers and showing remarkable results in improvements.
Tip! Below are some driving tips from the National Safety Council to help reduce risks on the road.
About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness experts in the country, author of the Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Visit his new golf fitness - golf training site at Perform Better Golf.
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11:43 AM
Increase Driving Distance with These Proven Club Fitting Tips!
Imagine how much you could lower your scores by getting the kind of distance you know you're capable of.
Adding distance to your drives changes the way you attack a golf course. And those extra yards give you a competitive edge. That's why most of the top players in the world are so focused on finding the right equipment to increase distance.
It's no secret that most of us want to hit it longer. Golf club manufacturers know this and try to produce drivers that push the distance envelope. The problem? Most drivers sold at retail outlets are built to specs that simply don't work for most players' swings.
What can you do to find the right driver?
The answer lies in knowing what the most important club fitting parameters are and using them to match the right equipment to your swing speed.
There are four club fitting keys I can think of that you need to focus on for maximum distance and consistency: loft, shaft flex, club length, and ball spin.
1. Loft
Selecting the right loft may be the most important fitting parameter when you're looking to increase distance. What's the biggest mistake most us of make? Going with too low a loft.
Today, drivers play true to loft. That's a big change from just a few years ago when everyone was hitting 8* Great Big Berthas. Realize that those days are over. Today the unofficial "standard" loft may be about 10.5*.
If your swing speed is below 100 mph you'll do much better with higher lofts. Swing speeds that are 90 mph and less do well with lofts of at least 12*.
Slower swing speeds don't generate the spin rate needed to maximize distance. Higher lofts give you more hang time and more distance with the same effort.
Higher swing speeds? They do better with moderate or lower lofts. Look for lofts of 10.5* or less. Swing speeds in excess of 105 mph naturally generate more spin, and that translates into higher trajectories.
Tip! Apart from these generic “drive safely” rules, there are some specific safe driving tips, which you need to adhere to in order to steer your vehicle in the right course. Accordingly, a safety tip for bad weather conditions will be to slow down.
2. Shaft Flex
It's a fact: about 8 out of 10 players select a flex that's too stiff for their swing. How does this affect distance? All shafts have to bend in order to get the ball airborne. Players with lower swing speeds need more flex to launch the ball on the right trajectory.
Try to find the most flexible shaft you can handle with accuracy. More flexible shafts offer a couple of advantages:
>> You increase distance with less effort because of the shaft's extra kick.
>> You'll get better feel with less harshness.
Better feel means more confidence, and that translates into better ball striking. Shafts that are too stiff produce weak shots that are pushed offline.
Remember this:
Tip! Our summer driving tips will make these periods of time safer. In general, such long car trips means that there is more of a chance that your car might break down.
Not everyone fits this profile. If your swing speed is over 105 mph or if you have a quick backswing-to-downswing transition, then you'll probably have trouble unless you use fairly stiff shafts.
High swing speeds have trouble with control when shafts get too flexible.
3. Club length
A lot of us don't pay much attention to club length.
You probably think all clubs are built to standard lengths. The fact is, there are no standards when it comes to club length. Club length can change from brand to brand, or even from model to model within brand.
Most drivers sold today are built to a length of 45.5", and many drivers reach 46". That's because longer lengths usually produce longer drives. You'll hit occasional bombs at these lengths but your consistency suffers.
How come? Your percentage of on-center hits decreases pretty quickly once you go longer than 45". Miss the sweet spot by just a small amount and you can easily lose 17 yards on a drive.
My guess is, if you go with a driver length of 44.5" your average drive will be longer, and more of those drives will stay in the fairway. That's the reason most tour pros stay below driver lengths of 45".
Tip! With these driving tips, your driving experience is sure to be a much more pleasurable one. Avoiding the trouble areas, bringing something to do and knowing where you are going are just a few of the many ways you can make driving more than just a way to get somewhere.
If you're struggling with your driver have a clubmaker shorten the length to about 44.5". You'll be surprised at the results.
4. Ball spin
What are the hottest selling golf balls? Just about any ball advertised as a "distance" ball. They're all pretty similar; they don't spin much, feel hard at impact, and are usually pretty inexpensive.
Distance balls do work, but ironically, not all that well for most average players. The reason? Distance balls spin less. Slower swing speeds don't generate the spin needed to make these balls effective.
Players with fast swing speeds can take advantage of a distance ball's lower spin rate. Slower swing speeds do better with more spin. Look for two piece balls that are softer and spin more; you'll find they work a lot better in several ways:
Tip! This article will deal with golf driving tips to help you correct this problem that is hampering many golfers and greatly hindering them from making any progress.
>> They stay airborne longer, maximizing carry.
>> They spin more and that helps you hold greens better.
>> They feel softer when hitting chips and short pitch shots.
I'm not sure about you, but I don't like the high pitched click and hard feel of typical distance balls when I'm putting.
Look for softer two piece balls with spin and you'll get the advantages of a player's ball at a reasonable price.
Tip! Below are some driving tips from the National Safety Council to help reduce risks on the road.
Summing things up…
Good swing fundamentals are a must for hitting consistently long drives. But with drivers and golf balls that don't fit your swing speed, you'll never reach your distance potential.
Use these four fitting keys and you should be able to develop a short list of drivers you can field test at the next demo day!
Ken Lopez writes articles for Pure Impact Custom Golf. If you have questions or want assistance in selecting custom golf clubs, you can reach him here:
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11:43 AM
Use These 5 Golf Driving Tips To Improve Your Golf Game
Most golf tips rendered today by experts concern driving. These tips are to guide players in hitting the ball further than they normally do. The first and the most important step in driving is to set it up like any other swing shot. Driving could make or break the hole. The five simple but effective tips for driving are as follows:
1. Proper set up: Set up the swing properly. Driving should be done, using a wood or a driving iron due to their length. The length gives you two distinct advantages - you can increase the distance of your stance from the ball and you can spread your feet wider to get a better balance and weight transfer. This will enable you to get a short and wide swing giving you control and power in the right proportions.
Tip! For more golf driving tips, please go to http://www.improve-golf-game.
2. Understand the sequence of motion: Sequence of setting up, swinging and driving with the correct weight transfer is a major factor. Although a little difficult for the beginners, they could keep it in mind and keep their drives in the sequence, so that they can develop their game on these fundamentals.
3. Let the power build then release at impact: Power should build with your swing. Always release the power along with the impact with the ball. Keep the swing short, the longer the swing, the lesser the control. Most beginning golfers tend to think otherwise in the attempt to hit the ball farthest. Short and wide swing will give you most powerful and controlled shot compare to the long and narrow one.
Tip! Speed, in all probability, is the most vital of all the safe driving tips. Reckless driving and exceeding speed limit will amount to committing suicide.
4. Swing within yourself so you maintain balance: Never swing too back or too forward. Stay within your self, to keep it in control. Distribute your weight evenly from heel to toe and stay balanced. Maintain good posture, a straight spine and upright chin. This will not only help in your drives but also to avoid injuries.
5. Imagine the ball in the middle of the fairway: Imagine that the ball is in the middle of the fairway. Use a correct wrist hinge and full body turn to get the maximum from your swing. This will give you more consistent driving skills.
In addition to the above, maintaining fitness of your body is a major factor to gain yards on the swing. Certain exercises are said to add almost 30 odd yards to the drive, so step on it.
My site provide tips to improve your golf swing
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11:43 AM
7 Simple Ways Of Driving Traffic To Your Site Using One E-Published Tips Booklet
I am not a web designer or search engine optimizer, nor do I play one on TV. However, I do know that the driving force in bringing qualified traffic to your web site is dynamic high value content. That means compelling, interesting, approachable, and immediately useful information, especially when you also directly sell products or services at your site. Increasing and maintaining traffic also demands both offline and online mechanisms to attract those visitors.
One of the easiest and most versatile forms of the content described above is a ‘how-to' tips booklet. With the right writing style, not only can you use the booklet in its entirety as a downloadable bonus file on your site, it can also be sliced, diced, and reformatted to get the most mileage possible from the single document.
Imagine a booklet called "110 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Health Club Membership." Your site features health and wellness products. Look at some of the ways to use one tips booklet:
1. Downloadable bonus - full booklet download for visiting the site, a new title bi-monthly
2. Radio/television advertising campaign - "This fitness moment brought to you by (your company's name) …Visit for 109 more great tips like this one."
3. Print advertising campaign - a few tips, directing people to your site for more tips.
4. Autoresponder service - send a tip a day or week, inviting people to your site for more.
5. Trade show coupon - offering free downloadable booklet at your web site
6. Product packaging or printed catalog - single tips, directing people to your site.
7. Email - a tip within any email from your Customer Service Department or in any electronic invoice, encouraging people to receive more tips when visiting your site. Doing this with a different booklet every other month easily broadens your campaign to an entire year, keeping the content fresh, interesting, flowing, and attractive to more traffic.
Your next booklets could be:
• You Can Do It - Walk A Marathon • 77 Ways to Prevent and Improve Back Problems • 117 Tips for Relieving Arthritis & Muscular Pain • Keep Smiling! 75 Tips for Great Dental Health • 108 Ideas for Getting Your Family to Eat Better
Picture what happens when you translate the same booklet into a different language to reach a non-English speaking population. You can do the same things mentioned here to bring traffic to your site.
Simplify your life and the life of your customers by giving them useful information that will keep them wanting more from you - more information and more of your products.
Tip! With these driving tips, your driving experience is sure to be a much more pleasurable one. Avoiding the trouble areas, bringing something to do and knowing where you are going are just a few of the many ways you can make driving more than just a way to get somewhere.
Paulette Ensign is Founder and Chief Visionary of All the booklet titles mentioned in this article, plus hundreds more on a wide range of topics, are readily available for licensing rather than using your valuable staff's time and salary.
Posted by
11:42 AM
7 Great Tips on Driving Targeted Traffic to Your Website
We all need traffic. It's the life-blood of an online business. But what are the best ways to drive targeted traffic directly to your website? Here are 7 great tips to help you decide.
1. Offline advertising = Online profits
Whatever you're trying to sell online will most likely link to a relevant or appropriate media section offline. For example, if you're selling bicycles from your website, there will undoubtedly be a suitable offline magazine, in which you can place an ad. The purpose of the ad is not to sell your products, but to get prospects to visit your website. So your ad need only consist of a few lines, which should work out to be quite inexpensive.
Your bicycle ad could read like this: Looking for a new bicycle? We stock a huge range at discount prices and can deliver within 48 hours. To learn more visit our website. www. - Your ad could be placed in cycle mags, sports magazines or even national and local newspapers. Wherever you think your most likely prospects will look for your products or services offline is a means to getting them to go online.
2. Press releases for the inquiring minds
Some people just have to know what's new, what's in and what's out. To stay ahead in this information age, online and offline press releases can offer newsworthy titbits that could even be picked up by the national press. If you're just starting out in your online business, launching a new product or creating a new service, people will want to know about it.
If this is something you haven't done before, take a look at some existing press releases by going to Google and typing 'press releases' into the search field. Once you get the idea, write out your press release, including your contact details and website URL, then go back to Google and type in 'press agencies'. Most will charge you for this service but your press release could get maximum coverage on and off the internet.
Tip! Our summer driving tips will make these periods of time safer. In general, such long car trips means that there is more of a chance that your car might break down.
3. Opt-in mailing lists
Opt-in mailing lists can provide one of the most effective means of generating repeat business from your existing customer base. If your customers have bought from you once and that buying experience was satisfactory, there's a very good chance they will buy from you again because they trust you. Capture emails by encouraging your customers to sign up for your newsletter or other promotional information. Alternatively, you could rent an opt-in email list. A carefully worded e-mail message to people who have expressed an interest in receiving further information about your products or services could lead to extra sales, but be prepared to pay a princely sum.
4. Getting your message delivered direct to your customers
Tip! The first of this golf driving tips variables is the design of the golf club. Each club is cleverly designed to send the golf ball over a certain distance.
For as long as anyone can remember, direct mail has been one of the most effective and profitable forms of marketing ever. Many people have made millions from direct mail and it's still as successful today as it was 50 years ago. It's also relatively easy and inexpensive. First, create a single page introductory sales letter or brochure, detailing you products or services and all the benefits. For maximum effect, offer your new customers a discount or something for free, when they first purchase from your website.
Don't forget, you want them to visit your website, so give them more than a good reason to do so. Next, rent a targeted mailing list from a reputable list broker. There are lists available, which cover every conceivable geographic and demographic statistic, so whatever business you're in, there will be one that's suitable for you. Send out your 'invitations' and wait for your hit counter to melt.
5. Referral marketing
This is a simple strategy of referring your own customers to a related but non-competitive website in return for them doing the same for you. Let's say you are selling printers. Find some quality sites that sell printer inks and contact the webmaster. Ask them if they would be willing to send their traffic to you in return for you doing the same for them. Most will agree. Between you, you will have to decide whether to display an ad on each other's site or go for a written recommendation. Either way, it will increase the chances of you getting more traffic to your site because you have been recommended. You could seek out many related websites and have numerous streams of traffic coming directly to you.
Tip! Apart from these generic “drive safely” rules, there are some specific safe driving tips, which you need to adhere to in order to steer your vehicle in the right course. Accordingly, a safety tip for bad weather conditions will be to slow down.
6. Traffic merchants
Paying a company to send traffic to your website is an easy option, so long as the traffic is targeted. There are many companies who specialize in selling traffic. You could say they are traffic traffickers. They use all forms of online advertising to get people to visit your website and usually guarantee the numbers. At around $20 for 10,000 visitors, it certainly looks tempting.
Although there are many merchants to choose from, beware the scamsters operating in this market. Some will take your money and put your ad on a Free For All (FFA) website, leaving you to deal with hundreds or thousands of spam emails from everyone and their dog trying to sell you their products. A good place to start would be They offer a variety of packages and are very affordable. is another company offering this service but charge a little more. However, they offer tracking services, so you can see where the traffic comes from. If you're into stats, you may find this service very useful.
Tip! These driving tips can help everyone avoid potentially dangerous situations and possible accidents. Put them into use and constantly be aware of the 'other guy'.
7. Affiliate programs
You just can't afford to ignore affiliate programs. Getting other people to sell your products for a commission is a tried and tested, successful and very rewarding exercise. It doesn't work very well if you're selling a service, but it's overwhelmingly awesome for shifting your product range. The best part is, once set up it works on automatic pilot. All you have to do then is monitor its success, because affiliates do all the work for you. They advertise your products and send the traffic to your website to buy them.
Another thing is you don't have to pay your affiliates until you've been paid. Plus you save on advertising costs, and the increased activity to your website helps your search engine ranking. There's an array of affiliate program tracking software available to track your sales and commission payouts or if you prefer, you can hire a company to look after all that side of the business for you. is one of the most well-known companies around, offering a complete affiliate management solution. If affiliates can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars in commissions, it's got to be a very worthwhile consideration for your business. There are many ways in which you can get others to sell your products, and there are many ways of finding willing affiliate partners. Affiliate marketing is fast becoming a science.
Tip! When the winters are back, there are certain pre-requisites to be kept in mind to set out the new term “Winter Road Safety”. Similar to the driving tips, laws; this constitutes the safety measures adopted to cope with snow or icy driving conditions.
As you can see, targeted traffic isn't that hard to do but the rewards for your online business will show up in the bank.
Jan Peterson founder of researches and reviews business opportunities including internet marketing, real estate investing, affiliate marketing, financial investing and more. Over 400 FREE reports available.
Posted by
11:42 AM
10 Surefire Article Marketing Tips On Driving Traffic To Your Site!
Have you ever ponder upon why more and more people are using articles to market and create exposure for their sites? This is so as Article marketing is still one of the best ways to drive web traffic to your site, be it for new or existing sites.
Here, I will provide you with 10 surefire tips on using article marketing for your website.
1. If you have a new site and want to have it indexed in the major search engines, writing an article on the niche topic based on your niche site and submitting it to the major article submission sites will get your new site indexed quickly.
2. Article marketing allows your articles to be picked up by other publishers and posting it on their site with your resource box on their site creates a one-way backlink to your site. Having lots of these backlinks from these sites based on the keyword in your resource box will make your site ranked higher in the search engine for the specific keyword.
3. Also, when submitting articles, submit it based on several keywords. Also submitting it to 2 or 3 categories in the article submission directories allows you to cast your net wider to a larger group of publishers.
4. Always create a headline that will grab your reader attentions and make them click on your article. Your eye catching headline will make a difference whether your article will be picked up by publishers to be published on their sites.
5. Make sure that the contents of your headline deliver the promise as made on your article headline.
6. Create a call to action to make your users click on your site after reading your article. This can be done by providing a backlink to your site.
7. Always take a break after writing your article. Re-read and check for spelling mistakes before submitting to the articles submission sites. Publishers will not be tempted to publish your sites if it's full of spelling mistakes.
8. If you don't have much idea, you can always use Private label rights articles; rewrite them to make it unique before submitting it the article directories.
9. Also, create keyword-rich articles. However, make sure that it makes sense when you re-read the keyword rich article you have written. Don't put in the keyword for the sake of placing them in the articles and end up making the article looks bad.
10. Article Marketing is free and it provides free publicity for your sites, especially if it's a new site.
Tip! With these driving tips, your driving experience is sure to be a much more pleasurable one. Avoiding the trouble areas, bringing something to do and knowing where you are going are just a few of the many ways you can make driving more than just a way to get somewhere.
Most importantly, article marketing is still one of the best ways to drive web traffic to your sites in the viral manner as more and more publishers publish your articles on their sites. So, use article marketing for your site now!
Vincent Seah is the owner of He provides more onsite and offsite SEO optimization tips on his website. He is also a participant of the ambatchdotcom seocontest World SEO Championships 2006 currently.
Posted by
11:41 AM
Safe Driving Tips For The Holiday Season
It's the Holiday party season and Precision Tune Auto Care's driving ambition is to keep Americans safe on the roads with their 25th annual Safe Driving Tips for the Holidays.
1. Don't drive under the influence of alcohol and never permit someone else who has been drinking to drive. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the number of unrestrained and/or alcohol-related traffic deaths from Thanksgiving to New Year's Eve increased in 2004 from more than 2,100 in 2003 to 2,237.
2. Wear a seat belt. It's more than a law; it's proven to reduce fatalities. Research by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has found that lap/shoulder safety belts, when used, reduce the risk of fatal injury to front-seat passenger car occupants by 45 percent and the risk of moderate-to-critical injury by 50 percent. For light truck occupants, safety belts reduce the risk of fatal injury by 60 percent and moderate-to-critical injury by 65 percent.
Tip! Below are some driving tips from the National Safety Council to help reduce risks on the road.
3. Avoid driving while you are fatigued or taking medication that will make you drowsy. The NHTSA conservatively estimates that 100,000 police-reported crashes are the direct result of driver fatigue each year. This results in an estimated 1,550 deaths, 71,000 injuries, and $12.5 billion in monetary losses. According to the National Sleep Foundation's 2005 Sleep in America poll, 60% of adult drivers - about 168 million people - say they have driven a vehicle while feeling drowsy in the past year, and more than one-third, (37% or 103 million people), have actually fallen asleep at the wheel! In fact, of those who have nodded off, 13% say they have done so at least once a month. Four percent - approximately eleven million drivers - admit they have had an accident or near accident because they dozed off or were too tired to drive.
Tip! You can know more about such safety devices and learn many driving tips at driving safety news.
4. Drive defensively and maintain the speed limit. According to NHTSA, speeding-related crashes resulted in 13,192 fatalities in 2004. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NHTSA, 2005)
5. Anticipate problems before they happen. On the highway, be alert to potential acts that may cause crashes and adjust driving and speed accordingly.
Tip! For more golf driving tips, please go to http://www.improve-golf-game.
6. Keep an emergency kit in your car, including a call-for-help sign, a flare and a first-aid kit.
7. Practice routine car maintenance to avoid highway breakdowns, including a check on brakes, hoses, belts, horn, windshield solvent, wipers and headlights. Keep your vehicle properly lubricated, tuned and oiled. Never mix radial tires with other types of tires, and make sure your tires, including your spare, are properly inflated as recommended in your owner's manual.
8. Emergencies occur. Be ready with a charged operable cellular phone, but don't use the phone while you are driving. According to the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, drivers talking on their phones are responsible for about 6 percent of U.S. auto accidents each year, killing an estimated 2,600 people and injuring 330,000.
9. For front-wheel skids, wait for the front wheels to grip the road before straightening the car; for rear-wheel skids, just before the rear wheels stop skidding, counter steer until you regain the desired direction.
10. Maintain safe following distance in relation to existing weather conditions. Drive defensively and reduce speed to a safe pace.
Leni Kass has been in marketing and public relations for over 15 years. Previously, she worked with teens, and facilitated a therapy group for adolescents with eating disorders. She is cofounder and CEO of Hey U.G.L.Y., Inc. NFP, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that empowers teens with self-esteem building tools, to help them counter challenges such as eating disorders, bullying, violence, substance abuse and suicide. U.G.L.Y. is an acronym that stands for meaning Unique Gifted Lovable You.
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11:41 AM
Tips on Finding a Truck Driving Job
Here are a few tips that just might help you find the perfect truck driving job. Whether you're brand new to the trucking industry or whether you've been driving for years, you really should take a moment to read this information. With so many open positions available right now, you can afford to be choosy. The key to a successful truck driving job search is to take your time while researching your opportunities. And that's exactly what our first tip is about.
Know what you want now and long-term
Before you start interviewing, think about the type of truck driving job you want. There's more to driving a truck than simply getting behind the wheel. Do you want long hauls? Short hauls? Do you want to be involved in the pick up and delivery of your loads? Are you interested in an owner/operator opportunity? Now or in the future, do you think there's a chance you'd like to move into management?
Tip! For more golf driving tips, please go to http://www.improve-golf-game.
Research the truck driving company
Once you know what it is you're looking for from a truck driving job, find companies offering those opportunities and then research those companies. Some issues you might want to investigate include how long the company has been in business, where it's headquartered, whether or not it has a specialization, and whether or not it's been involved in any types of lawsuits and if so, why?
Put together a resume
Yes, a resume! There are a lot of open truck driving jobs so you might think this step is unnecessary. But there are also a lot of people applying for these positions. A resume that highlights the qualities employers are looking for will help you stand out from the crowd and may get you more pay and better benefits. Plus it may help open the doors to positions involving more responsibility such as safety or fleet management.
Tip! These driving tips can help everyone avoid potentially dangerous situations and possible accidents. Put them into use and constantly be aware of the 'other guy'.
Some areas to highlight on your resume include: a safe driving record; an on-time delivery record; specialized training you've completed such as hazmat; customer service skills you've acquired by delivering to homes or businesses; inventory/warehousing knowledge; special equipment experience; computer skills; physical capabilities; and familiarity with trucking regulations, both at the state level and federal. Turnover in the trucking industry is high so if you've got a history of not jumping from job to job, you'll definitely want to stress this in your resume as well.
Talk to others
If possible, take to some drivers who work for the trucking company you're considering. In doing so, you'll get a better feel for the company. But be sure to talk to several people just in case one of the drivers has a grudge against the company and is biased. If you're comfortable on the Internet, there are all sorts of truck driving forums and bulletin boards where you'll find plenty of truckers willing to answer your questions, too. Truck stops also great places to go to get the "inside scoop" on your truck driving questions.
Tip! Our summer driving tips will make these periods of time safer. In general, such long car trips means that there is more of a chance that your car might break down.
For More Trucking Resources
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11:33 AM